The cyclical nature of history is an important thematic chemical element that runs throughout the entire Dark Souls franchise. Dark Souls iii in particular goes out of its manner to embrace this idea, correct downwards to featuring approximations of fan favorite characters who were introduced in the original Dark Souls: one such being Siegward of Catarina.

Based on Siegmeyer of Catarina from Dark Souls 1, Siegward is an Onion Knight whose side quest plays out across about of the story. Siegward is met very early into Dark Souls three and keeping him live for as long as possible eventually results in him becoming an ally for one of the game's Lord of Cinder bosses.

Undead Settlement


Siegward of Catarina tin be establish for the first time in the Undead Settlement, in a nearby chapel around where you met Eygon of Carim. Siegward will be coming up an elevator as y'all enter the edifice, allowing yous to speak with him. Subsequently running through all his dialogue and exiting the area, Siegward volition movement to an alcove above the elevator.

Render to the Undead Settlement and have the elevator. Instead of letting it conduct yous all the mode up, curlicue off right when y'all see Siegward on the alcove. Speak with him and then roll off the rooftop down below to find a Burn Demon. Aid Siegward defeat the demon and speak to him to obtain a fresh batch of Siegbrau & acquire the Toast Gesture. Talk to Siegward again one time he's asleep to learn the Slumber Gesture.

Cathedral Of The Deep


The next time you run into Siegward volition be outside the Cathedral of the Deep after defeating the Deacons of the Deep. Siegward will be trapped in a well close to the Cleansing Chapel Bonfire, where he'll reveal that he's lost his armor. From hither, you need to discover Unbreakable Patches.

Since y'all've already defeated the Deacons of the Deep, head to Firelink Shrine and use the Tower Key to go upward the Bell Tower. Patches volition trap you here then go a vendor in the Shrine itself. Either kill Patches to reclaim Siegward's armor or purchase the whole set back. Give Siegward back his armor and he'll teach yous the Rejoice Gesture.

Irithyll Of The Boreal Valley


Siegward's next terminate is in Irithyll of the Boreal Valley and it's considerably more pleasant than his previous two encounters. Worth noting that this interaction just happens before you enter Irithyll Dungeon, as that'south the trigger for the next stride in Siegward'south questline. From the Afar Manor Bonfire, exit towards the lake and cut into the sewers.

Rush towards the staircase in the dorsum and y'all'll see Siegward resting upwardly past the fireplace. Enter the Kitchen to your left and you'll be able to eat some Estus Soup for healing. Speak to Siegward if you missed learning whatsoever previous Gestures, but otherwise behave on to the Irithyll Dungeon.

Irithyll Dungeon

Irithyll Dungeon

Once you enter Irithyll Dungeon, Siegward volition move from the safety of his burn down to a jail cell in the Profaned Capital. You can actually speak to Siegward through his cell's window downward in Irithyll Dungeon, but he'south positioned past several respawning Rats and a sleeping Giant Slave who have a habit of aggoring when trying to get to Siegward's window.

Start making your style down to the lowest level of Irithyll Dungeon, just stop yourself when you land on the span that'southward connected to both a staircase and a sewer tunnel filled with Rats. Head towards the Rats and run all the style down the tunnel to notice a chest with an Old Prison cell Central in it. After obtaining the key, complete Irithyll Dungeon and make your way to the Profaned Capital.

Profaned Capital

Profaned Capital Siegward Cell

From the Profaned Capital Bonfire, climb the ladder down to the surface area below and so roll off the rubble up ahead. Claw left and start making your fashion upward the staircase. Keep straight towards the Crystal Lizard, but plough right one time yous make it downwardly the hall. Roll downwards into the area beneath, merely be wary of the Sewer Centipedes lying in look.

Rush forward and climb up the nearby ladder equally fast as you lot tin can. Make your way all the way up the stairs from the rooftops where y'all'll observe Siegward sitting in his jail cell. Apply the Old Cell Primal to unlock the gate, make sure to option upwards the Covetous Gold Serpent Band, and speak to him one last fourth dimension. With Siegward freed, he should now join yous for the boss battle confronting Yhorm.

Next: Dark Souls 3: All Four Endings And How To Get Them

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